LaTeasha Watson Hired as GNWBC Executive Administrative Assistant

GROW Nebraska and GROW Nebraska Women’s Business Center is proud to announce its newest team member, LaTeasha Watson as our Executive Administrative Assistant. In her role, LaTeasha is here to not only assist with day-to-day administrative tasks, but also to serve as a wealth of knowledge, support and point of contact for our GNWBC entrepreneurs.

“The most important part of my new position is knowing that I get to be part of the process of helping other small business owners in fulfilling their dreams. Even if it is something as small as helping them get signed up to be a new client or signing them up for training classes. It’s a good feeling,” LaTeasha said.

For over 20 years, LaTeasha has worked in several professional settings that directly impacted the overall success of the organizations and team members she’s worked with. “Having someone with LaTeasha’s skill set offers endless possibilities for growth for GNWBC. Our clients now have direct access to someone when calling or coming into the office. LaTeasha’s smile is contagious, and her presence is greatly appreciated,” said Executive Director Eden Butler.

The GROW Nebraska Women’s Business Center (GNWBC) is focused on intentionally creating a community of aspiring and established women entrepreneurs to connect, grow, and prosper together. The GNWBC brings together a menu of training and support opportunities while creating a small business network that allows entrepreneurs to gain information and skills to create success.

Watson said, “I think that GNWBC can have a significant impact on my community because a lot of people do not have a clue about what steps they should take when starting a small business. At GNWBC we make sure that our clients are equipped with the right resources and skills to go out and be successful. Whether it’s finding funding or providing technical training GNWBC is here to help.”

The GROW Nebraska® Foundation was founded with the idea of expanding resources to businesses and entrepreneurs alike to make a sustainable living anywhere within the state of Nebraska. As a 501(c) 3 educational foundation, the GROW Nebraska® Foundation was founded in 1998 and now works to extend resources, training, a brick and mortar store, as well as an eCommerce site full of Nebraska products to help elevate Nebraska-based businesses and connect Nebraska entrepreneurs to the global marketplace. Support or join GROW Nebraska Foundation’s efforts by visiting  

The mission of the GROW Nebraska Women’s Development Center is to act as the catalyst for providing in-depth, substantive, outcome-oriented business services to women entrepreneurs, both nascent and established businesses, a representative number of which are socially and economically disadvantaged. Learn more at

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